00. 시작하며(The Begin)10
01. 하늘의 뜻(The Heavenly Will)14
02. ?사탄과 짐승(SATAN&BEAST)- ?System of Artificial Affiliated Network&Break Encouraged of Animated Soul-Terminal28
03. ?짐승 체계(體系)(The BEAST System)- ?The Break Encouraged of Animated Soul-Terminal System45
04. ?다르파 하이드로겔 센서(DARPA Hydrogel Sensor)- ?Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Hydrogel Sensor60
05. 백신(The Vaccine)74
06. 양자점 문신(量子點 文身, The Quantum Dots Tattoos)88
07. ?생체형 기계 인간(生體形 機械 人間, The Bio-morphic Machine Human)103
08. ?인공지능(人工知能)과 네크로미톤 안드로미(Artificial Intelligence&Necromiton Andromie’s)117
09. 신용 평가(信用 評價, The Credit Assessment)132
10. 신분증명(身分證明) 코드-칩(The Identification Code-Chip)146
11. ?BRIX(Beast Recognize Indicate ΧΡΙΣΟΤΣ)- Beast Recognize Indicate Christs160
12. ?성배 원정 기사단(聖杯 遠征 騎士團, The Holy Grail Expeditionary Knights)176
13. 성배 종족(聖杯 種族, The Holy Grail Tribes)191
14. 이야니 유니버스(The Eieyani Universe)206
15. 조직 체계(組織 體系, The Organizational Systems)221
16. 주식회사(株式會社) 이야니(The Eieyani Corporation)235
17. ?우리 사주(社株)와 스톡옵션(Employee Stock Ownership and Stock Options)248
18. ?친화적(親和的) M&A와 적대적(敵對的) M&A(Friendly Mergers&Acquisitions and Hostile Mergers&Acquisitions)261
19. 에메랄드 펀드(The Emerald Fund)275
20. 전자화폐(電子貨幣, The Electronic Money)288
21. 금본위제도(金本位制度, The Gold Standard System)302
22. 포춘(The Fortune)317
23. ?공유 경제 사회(共有 經濟 社會, The Sharing Economic Society)332
24. 법인(法人, The Corporation)347
25. ?차원간 자유세계 연합(次元間 自由世界 聯合)- IAFW:Inter-dimensional Association of Free Worlds361
26. 에메랄드 성약(聖約)(The Emerald Covenant)376
27. 이야기를 정리(整理)하며(Organizing the Story)391